中国网 作者:张云松 袁旭宁 近日,据浙江媒体报道,“世界小商品之都”义乌正在从“商务旅游”向“全域旅游”转型发展,旅游产业在当地所占经济比重逐年提升。
CNCAO NEWS Recently, according to Zhejiang media reports, "World Small-Commodities City" Yiwu is in the period of transformation and development, from the "Business travel" to “All-for-one tourism ", the proportion of tourism industry in the local economy increased year by year.
“All-for-one tourism” is the most popular vocabulary in Chinese tourism industry currently,is a kind of regional harmonious development concept and model for the promotion of economic and social all-round development.
In December 2014, Yiwu launched creating work -"China International Business Tourism Destination",let tourism development drive all-round development. Reported that currently, with the new business card "tourism", Yiwu accelerate the city organic update, actively build the characteristics of the town, and vigorously build up public rural communities, to improve the new drivers of urban development.
The 9th China International Tourism Commodities Fair previously held in Yiwu, attracted business participants from 31 countries and regions such as Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Australia, Argentina, Chile, Singapore, Malaysia ,South Africa and so on. Attending the total number of over 100,000, the total turnover of RMB 3.653 billion. The state of the participating enterprises, the number of participating companies and the area of foreign enterprises exhibition, set the record of all previous years.
According to the report, today's Yiwu, just like the “Yiwu miracle” created in that year, has written its own new legend in the tourism industry.
(中国网见习记者 张云松 综合报道 翻译 袁旭宁)
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